Tuesday 24 March 2020

#DavisControls - #COVID19 - Essential Service Provider

#DavisControls - #COVID19 - Essential Service Provider

We are fully operational and as of right now have no plans to limit our internal business activities.

We have made the operational changes below to adapt to these new environmental conditions:

- Our Technical Support Sales reps are now working remotely with open communication with other Davis Controls team members and are completely functional as if they were in the building
- Order Processing is fully operational
- Warehousing and shipping are fully operational

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread worldwide and across Canada, the health & safety of our colleagues, our customers, our suppliers and our community is our highest priority and we are doing everything we can to assess and mitigate risks.

We continue to follow the guidance provided by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO), as well as local governments and health authorities. As we continue to monitor the situation daily, we have implemented best practices, including travel and visitor restrictions, work from home policies where possible, social distancing and following proper hygiene procedures.

Now more than ever, we recognize the importance of continuing to provide:

Expert application advice and information to our customers

Extensive technical backup

State of the art products.....while setting and reviewing objectives that will contribute to the success of our customers and our suppliers.

To this end, we are working closely with our suppliers to identify any potential disruptions in our supply chain so that we can jointly take appropriate action to minimize supply interruptions. We are adapting our operations to meet the challenges of the current situation to ensure that we continue to meet your needs and maintain supply of our products and services.

We are here to help and support you and everyone here at Davis Controls is working hard to continue to provide uninterrupted service while taking every precaution to mitigate the spread of the new Coronavirus.

Davis Controls Ltd.

Thursday 19 March 2020


As the COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) pandemic continues to spread worldwide and across Canada, the health and safety of our colleagues, our customers, our suppliers and our community is our highest priority and we are doing everything we can to assess and mitigate risks.

We continue to follow the guidance provided by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO), as well as local governments and health authorities.  As we continue to monitor the situation daily, we have implemented best practices, including travel and visitor restrictions, work from home policies where possible, social distancing and following proper hygiene procedures.

Now more than ever, we recognize the importance of continuing to provide:
     Expert application advice and information to our customers
     Extensive technical backup
     State of the art products
….. while setting and reviewing objectives that will contribute to the success of our customers and our suppliers.

To this end, we are working closely with our suppliers to identify any potential disruptions in our supply chain so that we can jointly take appropriate action to minimize supply interruptions.  We are adapting our operations to meet the challenges of the current situation to ensure that we continue to meet your needs and maintain supply of our products and services.
We are here to help and support you and everyone here at Davis Controls is working hard to continue to provide uninterrupted service while taking every precaution to mitigate the spread of the new Coronavirus.

Neil Montgomery
President & CEO
Davis Controls Ltd